¿What is an Extended Delegate?

Several members of the Elected Delegation of the Congress of Puerto Rico (Melinda Romero, Roberto Lefranc Fortuño, Ricardo Rosselló and Mayita Meléndez) have created an effort to improve our network with willing and committed citizens, like you. An expanded network of constituents on the continent and on the island that will facilitate and make our efforts more robust and effective. All you need to do to become part of our delegation is; enter your personal data and sign the commitment to advocate for statehood and equality. With our common purposes aligned, we would like to ask for your help in achieving our Statehood goals.

As an Extended Delegate, you will be able to participate in our efforts to organize districts across the US, participate in mainstream and social media efforts, prepare events, and team up with influential organizations to achieve our goal of equality and democracy.  You don't have to be present in Washington DC to help. You can choose your engagement style. As soon as you register, through the following link; https://delegates.us a member of our team will contact you to obtain your extended delegate ID and begin this effort. Help us build a better national network. Help us guide the will of the people of Puerto Rico. Together we will achieve our goal of becoming the next State of the Union.